Nominees for Premier PT Player of the Week

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Nominees for Premier PT Player of the Week

Vote for your Premier PT Player of the Week

The poll has expired!

Voting ends Wednesday at 3 p.m. Please send questions or comments to Nick Halliday at

66 thoughts on “Nominees for Premier PT Player of the Week”

  1. Sean,

    I am so proud of all your accomplishment! You keep doing what you are doing, young man. I am so glad to be your godmother.

    Aunt Nikkie

  2. Marshay Brown is an awesome player! Not only is she a leader on the basketball court, she’s also a leader inside the Del state early college high school campus. Marshay exhibits respect , character, and integrity!

  3. And okk cause that’s my cousin!!! Always demonstrating amazing sportsmanship! Being unstoppable on the court and a true leader! Love you Marshay!


  4. Elisha Johnson, has a heart for the game of basketball. He’s one of the hardest player there is, and a great team player as well !!!

  5. Tyshawn,

    You are an amazing Kid! Your future looks bright and Congrats nephew on making the Nominees ! Your talents NEVER goes unnoticed ✨💚

  6. Marshay works hard and plays hard on and off the court. Her skills and talents are remarkable which goes over and beyond the call of what’s expected. Keep God first and do what you do.

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